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What is Young Crew?


The IPMA Young Crew is a vibrant international network of young (under 35) project managers. It’s a great space to gather Project Management knowledge and practical experience while working together with inspiring people. Join Niklas Blein, international president of Young Crew as he discusses the many initiatives this group has underway to help young project managers grow in their careers. Learn how you can join this dynamic and energetic group as they work together to transform the future of project management.


Niklas Bein

Niklas is the Chairman of the Board and is responsible for leading the IPMA Young Crew Management Board. When Niklas is not working for Young Crew, he works as a Project Manager within the chemical industry. He studied Business Administration at the University Cologne and obtained a Master of Science focusing on Corporate Development. Additionally, he holds a CEMS Master in International Management and was at the HEC Paris to gain further international exposure. 

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PMI PDU Claim Code: 1021UXXL6V

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