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Planning for Tomorrow: Introducing “Green” Project Management

PMI claim code: 10213XHFER


The sustainability movement is about making sure that our current needs can still be met tomorrow – in other words, that we will still have adequate resources and environmental conditions to enable our needs to continue to be met. Projects must take sustainability into account during the planning stages to reduce risk to the project meeting both its short term delivery goals and its long-term lifecycle goals; plus, any impacts on potential future projects. In this session, learn about Green Project Management (GPM) techniques and how they help PMs balance these sometimes competing goals.

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Michael Pace

Michael Pace is a highly accomplished project management professional, consultant, and trainer with over 20 years of experience in building and leading high-performance teams, developing and implementing effective project management processes, and driving organizational change initiatives. He is the President Emeritus of IPMA-USA and is closely connected within the project sustainability world.

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